
The Barbie & The Bosset???!!!!


  1. yo both of yall fat as hell i cuddnt even pick one

  2. - Thee Bothhh Sexyy Ass Hell !
    Buhh Nicki Mha Bxtch !

  3. nah bosset! she look more official && UNFAKE!

  4. Lola Monroe is alright but Nicki Minaj is and will always be better ~Million Dolla Kid~

  5. Nickii Minajj Is The Bestt The Girll Nextt Tahh Ha Trying Too Behh Like Herr!! Nickii Yhuu Thee Bestttxx3

  6. actually bosset just as fake so beat it..plus nicki is 100% diff n dnt give a f*** wat enybody gotta say lola been out 4 mad long and b4 nicki kame out she already had half the females wantin to b like her..so nicki WINS! they both very pretty but nicki mentality and personality tops everything

  7. they both bad tho..but nicki takes it all the way bosset ass is noticably fake ha legs mad skinny n butt xtra large at least nicki thick wit it

  8. Well Nicki Takes The CROWN She is The OFFICIAL Barbie And She's So Pretty & iHonestly Feel Like LOLA Is TRYING To Be Just Like Nicki MInaj FACE IT Baybee Girl You Will Never Be Like Nicki She Is The Best.! Ahaa.'[:

  9. !st of all bosset is ugly and nicki right but tell me why u wanna call yaself barbie there fake and plastic. lmao so i guess it makes u unreal still love u Nicki muah.!! (no words 4 bosset ugly skinny azz face ctfu.!!)

  10. nicki is a bad bitch so fck who ever dnt think so ! dat bitch ainn got shxt on her she a dam hoe cause She in everyone Video & fck da whole g-unit team aha * bitch please get on her level wit yo Fake Ass

  11. well i dont fuqz wit da barbie movement no lie real talk nicki iz not all dat neither lyke she kan rap somtymez not all da tyme nd i somtymez believe Li Wayne writing her stuff somtymez nd LoLa really she kan rap somtymez cause som of her shit i fuqz wit nd same 4 Nicki bt Nicki iz on dat dike shit nd i dont role wit dat nd da barbie shit femalez say how real dey iz but u kallin ur self a fuqin barbie so we c u not dat real den i role wit da bosset shit cause hey imma fuqin tru real boss nd den everybodi talkin bout lola azz lyke nicki real sorry 2 u all itz not her shit iz 2 stiff nd fake i would believe lolaz real b4 nicki nd niggaz shoul kno dat how dey b lookin at dey azz i fuqz wit nicki itz juz she 2 fake she try 2 hard nd shez a fuqin dike cause datz her in da video on youtube if u aint seen well u need 2 4 all da gurlz dat look up 2 her juz put in nicki minaj a stud nd datz showz she fake nd tryin hard 2 b a fuqin gurl wit da barbie shyt but im done



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